GRAIN TEST WEIGHT SCALES, FERTILIZER DENSITY SCALES, and SEED APPLICATION RATE SCALES; wholesale factory direct for dealers and users worldwide. Toll free: 1-800-309-4964.
GRAIN TEST WEIGHT SCALE is a valuable tool for evaluating grain production. Many variables effect grain test weight such as; Genetics, Weathering, Shape & Size of Kernels, Kernel Density, Texture of Seed Coat, Foreign Material in Sample, Moisture Content, Disease & Insect Damage, Sprout Damage, and the Testing Procedure Itself. Reasons for knowing test weight of grain include Determining Yield, Price Discounts, Storage Capacities, Feed Quality, and Milling Quality. Scale is simple to use and determines POUNDS per BUSHEL and kg. per hl. for all grains. Extremely accurate USDA approved. Used by farm service agencies, crop insurance adjusters, seed companies, and grain producers worldwide.
The FERTILIZER DENSITY SCALE accurately measures the density of various fertilizer blends by both, pounds per cubic foot and kilograms per cubic meter. Fertilizer Density measurement is extremely important in determining accurate settings of custom application equipment. The proper setting of this equipment insures that optimum yield is achieved without negative environmental impact.
SEED APPLICATION RATE SCALE named “SEEDER METER” determines POUNDS per ACRE of seed applied for all drill spacing for both conventional drills and air seeders. Due to different seed texture and size, the chart included with your seeder is only a starting point. Grain producers need to know the exact seeding rate to save expensive seed. The seeder meter includes a chart with spacing and travel distance, a sample collection bag and instructions.
This scale is extremely sensitive and has a range from 0 to 250 pounds.
Chemical Dealers,, Crop Insurance Adjusters, Call the number listed below for best deal. All scales are also listed on for quick shipping.
Berckes Mfg., 2731 190th St, Canby MN 56220 U.S.A.
Phone and Fax. 320-290-9264 Toll free: 1-800-309-4964